This piece has been in the making for a year or two or three! Bob stapled it to a wrap around canvas for me this past week!!!

Bob working on getting the piece even on the canvas.
We ended up using Textile Medium to glue the middle of the piece to the canvas, let dry then we could stretch the sides and bottom around for Bob to staple! That's my beaded squirrel that Bob stapled to another canvas. He wanted to see how he did the last one!
This was the original string art on layout paper.
I use soy wax and dyes to give it some color
Of course I had to make it brighter, so I added some
Gelato crayons (by Faber-Castell).
Next the fun part picking out threads. I used
Madeira Lana and Sulky 12wt threads, layered with batting and starting stitching!
Thread colors matched pretty good!
Slow progress since I made the original string art in 2019!
Tons of stitching!
Added border just to get it to fit a canvas. I would have preferred to not have a border but unless I built my own canvas this had to do!
Quite a difference from the original. HA
So now I can concentrate on my Horse #3 and knitting! Until I get sidetracked with another project! HA